Приглашаем всех желающих, как детей, так и взрослых весело провести время, изучить что-то новое для себя и привести тело в тонус!
Davtyan team
- Clean + Airy Space = Stay Safe in COVID 19 Pandemic.
Give your workout more variety than ever with our accessories, from warmup to cooldown. Increase your body’s capacities every day, from stability to mobility, from power to speed.
Inovation + Motivation = Results
We are a hybrid gym and training facility. We have clean, state of the art facilities with the most knowledgeable staff and cutting-edge training methods. We offer open gym, team training, group classes, boxing, cycle and personal training.

This gym is by far the best gym I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot of gyms! The workouts are amazing and the people there are da bomb! Thank you!
Avie B.

If you want body, mind, and soul fitness this is the place. Love this gym. It had everything you will need. F7 is the best in the business.
Emma J.

Great to work with experienced trainers who customize their program uniquely around the needs of their clients.
John S.